STR Says Global Hotel Inventory has Grown an Impressive 18% in 10 years

Date: March 2018 – updated April 2018

Location: Global

What: According to the data from STR, the world has 184,299 hotels comprising 16,966,280 rooms. And based on that sample, the global hotel industry recorded an average occupancy level of 67.5% for the last 12 months ending with February 2018.

STR defines a hotel by three exclusionary criteria:

1) generates revenue on a nightly per-room basis.

2) has 10 or more rooms.

3) is open to the public (thus excluding properties requiring membership, affiliation, or club status).

Since the launch of STR’s international business, its hotel sample has grown by over 3 million rooms.

“The hotel sector and its rate of return continue to attract real-estate investors—that is evident through the substantial growth in performance metrics and development we have seen over the past decade,” said Robin Rossmann, STR’s international managing director.

THPT Comment: We think it’s a lot more, but good to know this number! TopHotels has kindly confirmed that they believe the number to be just shy of 275,000


Continent Hotels plus 10 keys
Africa 5,843
Asia 61,458
Europe 122,693
North America 65,679
Oceania 7,559
South America 9,778
Total 273,010

First Seen: Travel Daily