Stunning Value Development for 54 Rooms and Suites Five Star Hotel, Viareggio, 30 km North of Pisa Airport, Italy
Location: Viareggio, 30 km North of Pisa International Airport, Versilia, North West Tuscany, Italy
Name: TBA – Open to New Owner
Guide Price: €10m
No. of Keys: 54 – rooms including 16 junior suites and 11 full suites
The Opportunity: This sea-facing property dates back to the 18th century, was a hotel until 2018, by which time it had been closed for several years…bought by the current owners who have detailed planned drawings to transform the tired grand-dame hotel into the luxury it offers today…reducing the room count from 87 odd-sized rooms the 54 luxury rooms and suites it is today.

The guest room at this hotel – imagined
The hotel is complete with pool, spa, event room, to take 120 guests for a wedding reception, restaurant, bar and private beach club. Designed by top-notch architects,
The location is fab, just 30 minutes drive and 90 minutes from Florence. There detailed plans from final permits being approved first quarter 2021, construction works etc through to planned opening May 2022, with all professional parties in place. FC
Main Picture: The setting of this hotel with a sea-facing aspect
Current Owner: The hotel is owned by the potential developers, who wish to sell as it, or with additional finance see the project through to opening
Flag and Management: Both free to the new owner
Financials: Design plans available
Tenure: Freehold
Agent: Local agent in partnership with THPT
Guide Price: €10m… as is
Date Posted: March 2021
THPT Comment: An opportunity to buy this old grande-dame hotel, in a fab town/resort location in North West Tuscany
Contact us for further information
This is a new feature on the THPT site…. Hotel & Serviced Apartment owners can be naturally reticent in publicising their property is for sale…for confidentiality reasons, for staff and current client reasons, so the properties featured in this section will either be “generic” or “name specific”
Each fortnight we mail the opportunities posted that week, but check-out the tab “Hotels Available” and call us for details of “Under the Table” – deals not posted on the site at all
The Hotel Property Team (THPT) is a small group of highly experienced business professionals. Between us, we provide a range of skills and experience which is directly relevant to those involved in the hotel property market.
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MISREPRESENTATION ACT 1967. This information is provided as a general guide and is not intended to be constructed as a statement of fact upon which interested parties can rely. All interested parties should make their enquiries by inspection or otherwise. Neither The Hotel Property Team (trading name of Impetus Marketing 2006 Ltd) nor any person in our employment has the authority to make, give or imply any representation or warranty whatsoever relating to the premises referred to in these particulars. These details do not constitute any offer, contract or any part thereof and all negotiations relating to the premises should be conducted through THPT.