Four-Star 68-Keys Aparthotel in Angola For Sale
Location: Benguela, Republic of Angola – 2km from Beach
Name: Mil Cidades Aparthotel
Guide Price: TBA
No. of Keys: 68 apartments – Beds
The Opportunity: This modern aparthotel has different types of accommodation: T1 – 25 sqm double room; T2 65 sqm – 2 bed, one double and one twin; T3 – 110 sqm three bed, one double and two twins; Penthouse T1 – 200 sqm one bed, double and Penthouse T2 – 300 sqm three bed, one double and two twins. All rooms have kitchen/kitchenettes.

The Penthouse T2
The hotel has the Restaurant Mil Cidades, pool, outdoor Esplanada Bar, gym, 2 conference rooms and gardens. FU
Main Picture: The pool and hotel
Current Owner: Privately-owned since….
Flag and Management: Both free to the new owner
Financials: 2019 data available upon signing LOI/EOI
Tenure: Freehold
Agent: THPT is direct to the owner
Guide Price: €
Price per Room: €
Date Posted: February 2021
THPT Comment: An opportunity to buy this aparthotel, close to the beach at Benguela, facing onto the South Atlantic Ocean
Contact us for further information
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The Hotel Property Team (THPT) is a small group of highly experienced business professionals. Between us, we provide a range of skills and experience which is directly relevant to those involved in the hotel property market.
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