HotStats Hospitality Intelligence
Date: Monthly newsletter
About: HotStats provides a unique profit and loss benchmarking service to hoteliers from the UK, Europe and the Middle East, which enables monthly comparison of hotels’ performance against their competitors. It is distinguished by the fact that it provides in excess of 100 performance metric comparisons covering 70 areas of hotel revenue, cost, profit and statistics providing far deeper insight into the hotel operation than any other tool. The HotStats database currently totals 1,000,000 rooms worldwide and growing. They offer four newsletter options: UK, Europe, MENA & The Americas.
Cost: Free
Size: Website newsletter 2/3 pages
THPT Comment: One of the most respected providers of great data for hotels in these four regions. The company, headed up by Jonathan Langston, provides collaboration data with other major players reported here, and is fanatical in “getting it right”. A must-have for hoteliers and investors.
The software is cutting-edge in ensuring comparability of data. They also provide a suite of market intelligence reports to support developers’ and investors’ decisions in the industry.
Get a copy: subscribe for the newsletters from their website, or via THPT
Highlight Quotes: Hotels in the Middle East & Africa recorded a 6.6% year-on-year GOPPAR (Gross Operating Profit per Available Room) increase in August (2017), which was only the third month this year in which profit growth has been achieved, providing a welcome respite from a challenging trading period, according to the latest worldwide poll of full-service hotels from HotStats.
Although hotels in the region suffered a 1.0 percentage point decrease in room occupancy, this was more than offset by the 5.8% increase in achieved average room rate to $152.85 this month, which fuelled the 4.2% year-on-year increase in RevPAR (Revenue per Available Room), to $98.72.