Marriott’s CEO Arne Sorenson Diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer

Main Photo: Arne Sorenson

Date: May 2019

Location: Global

Name: Arne Sorenson

Who and What: Arne Sorenson, the affable president/CEO of global mega-chain Marriott International, was diagnosed earlier this week with stage 2 pancreatic cancer by doctors at The Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Md.

In an internal message, Sorenson told associates, “The cancer was discovered early. It does not appear to have spread and the medical team—and I are confident that we can realistically aim for a complete cure. In the meantime, I intend to continue working at the company I love. Let me make one request; look ahead with me. We have great work underway at Marriott. I am as excited by what we can accomplish together as I have ever been.”

Sorenson began working with Marriott in 1996, holding positions as senior vice president/business development, executive vice president, chief financial officer and president of continental European lodging before becoming president/chief operating officer in 2009. In 2011 he was elected to the company’s board of directors and in 2012 he became the company’s first CEO without the Marriott family name.

Sorenson will begin chemotherapy next week and will remain in his role as he undergoes treatment, according to the company, which added his doctors anticipate doing surgery by year’s end.

THPT Comment: What a real bummer…Such a good guy, that has done marvels over the Marriott acquisition of Starwood. Glad they have caught it early and delighted he will stay at the helm…GOOD LUCK!

First Seen: Hotel Management

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