Rare Opportunity To Develop 85-Key Hotel in London WC1 Area
Location: Southampton Row, London WC1, England, UK…nearest tube: Holborn
Name: Carlisle House – Open to Buyer
Guide Price: Offers Invited
No. of Keys: Scope to Make 85 Hotel Rooms and Nine Apartments
The Opportunity:
Current use is as a Grade II listed Edwardian Baroque eight storey building that was used as a Public House (Pub) and nine residential apartments – 18,016 sqf GIA. Planning consent has been granted for a new 85 room hotel across two long leasehold buildings, with 150 and 250 years left to run. TfL (London’s transport company) hold the freehold. The site would be 5,219 sqm or 56,177 sqf.
The property is positioned at the junction where Southampton Row meets Fisher Street and Catton Street. Covent Garden, Oxford Circus, Soho and the majority of Central London’s key landmarks are within a short walk of the property.
The property comprises two distinct elements: The Grade II listed building and a site to the rear that accommodates the Crossrail Fisher Street Shaft and TfL Headhouse.
Carlisle House is of steel frame construction with stone facing and extends to approximately 18,016 sq ft/1,673.7 sq m over eight upper storeys, with an additional two basement levels. The site to the rear extends to approximately 0.112 hectares with a TfL Headhouse positioned above the Crossrail shaft, broadly in the centre of the site. The Headhouse does not form part of the sale, the lease is for the airspace above the building. We understand during the construction of the Headhouse, various load-bearing points were installed.
We understand the property was originally built as a hotel, but over the years has supported a range of uses, most recently as short-term Crossrail offices where the
temporary planning consent fell away on vacation in The property’s current unoccupied use is a public house at basement levels, ground and first floors, with the six upper floors providing self-contained residential accommodation comprising two 1-bedroom units and seven 2-bedroom units.

Sadly the last owners went into receivership and hence the opportunity is available via their appointed agent…More information and access to the data-room is available via THPT, upon receipt of an EOI (Expression of Interest).
Flag & Management: Free to new owner
Main Photo: The building as it might look
Financials: Not really
Tenure: Two long leaseholds as above
Agent: Avison Young… THPT would need to act for the buyer
Date Posted: November 2021
THPT Comment: Opportunities like this are like hen’s teeth, in this part of London…Much interest has already been shown by both hoteliers and residential developers…so get in quick!
Hotel & Serviced Apartment owners can be naturally reticent in publicising their property is for sale…for confidentiality reasons, for staff and current client reasons, so the properties featured in this section will either be “generic” or “name specific”
Each week we mail the opportunities posted in that period, but check-out the tab “Hotels Available” and call us for details of “Under the Table” – deals not posted on the site at all.
The Hotel Property Team (THPT) is a small group of highly experienced business professionals. Between us, we provide a range of skills and experience which is directly relevant to those involved in the hotel property market. For more information – Visit www.thpt.co.uk or email info@thpt.co.uk
MISREPRESENTATION ACT 1967. This information is provided as a general guide and is not intended to be constructed as a statement of fact upon which interested parties can rely. All interested parties should make their enquiries by inspection or otherwise. Neither The Hotel Property Team (trading name of Impetus Marketing 2006 Ltd) nor any person in our employment has the authority to make, give or imply any representation or warranty whatsoever relating to the premises referred to in these particulars. These details do not constitute any offer, contract or any part thereof and all negotiations relating to the premises should be conducted through THPT.