The Site of The Georgian Hotel, Haslemere Surrey to Go to Auction
Location: Haslemere, Surrey, England, UK…one hour commute by rail to Waterloo, London
Name: The Georgian Hotel
No. of Keys: Currently 12 rooms in the main house, plus 31 in adjacent building
The Opportunity: The hotel is currently empty and was put on the market in 2017, after going into administration, for £2.5m…. It sits in one acre of grounds with a total GIA of 2,690 sqm. The Hotel lies to the front boundary of the site and comprises an attractive Grade II Listed building arranged over basement, ground and three upper floors (including attic) with a total GIA of 1,274 sq m (13,713 sq ft).
The hotel comprises a total of 12 en-suite bedrooms, a reception, bar, ball room, lounge, kitchen, staff ancillary accommodation and a 2 bed managers flat. The attic accommodation located on the 3rd floor provides further staff ancillary accommodation.
The Spa building, situated to the rear of the hotel, is arranged over 3 storeys with a total
GIA 1,416 sq m (15,249 sq ft). The building provides a further 31 en-suite bedrooms, a
swimming pool, gym and changing facilities. The property is accessed via a link from the
main hotel and benefits from a lift that serves all floors. The site also includes private car parking and a garden.
The property lies within the Haslemere Town Centre Conservation Area and was granted planning permission in March 2020 for the ‘erection of 2 dwellings… with extension and change of use to rear building from hotel bedrooms and spa (C1) to 16 flats. The proposed redevelopment would provide a total GIA of 1,780 sqm of residential
flats with an additional GIA of 296 sqm for the two houses, with a total GIA of 2,076 sqm.

How the hotel might look, post development
In addition, the property benefits from a Listed Building Consent (March 2020) for
the ‘Demolition of the link building and alterations to the main [building]’. The proposed development would provide a total of 3,297 sq m (35,489 sq ft) of space. The site would benefit from 20 surface car parking spaces with an additional 2 spaces for visitors.
The Georgian House Hotel, as it was formerly known, dates from the early 18th century and became an hotel in the 1920s.
Main Photo: The front of the hotel as is
Tenure: Freehold.
Financials: Numbers available prior to auction date
Brand/Management: Free
Current Owner: Was Lannister House – a consortium of local supporters who bought the hotel out of administration…sold on to private company
Agent: Going to auction via Allsop and Fleurets on September 22nd 2020, unless sold prior.
Guide Price: £4.5m
Date Posted: August 2020
THPT Comment: Keep it as a 43 room-hotel, or 12 room boutique hotel and build residential apartments, to let out or sell? That is the question…Interestingly we have another hotel in the vicinity that is for sale.
Contact us for further information
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The Hotel Property Team (THPT) is a small group of highly experienced business professionals. Between us, we provide a range of skills and experience which is directly relevant to those involved in the hotel property market.
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