Hotel Development Opportunity Vienna – 140 Keys Existing Three-Star Hotel
Location: Close to Westbahnhof Metro, Vienna, Austria
Name: TBA
Guide Price: €18.5m as is…€35 fully built to open, turnkey delivery
Guide Price per Key: €250k ready to open
No. of Keys: 140
The Opportunity:
The current hotel comprises 45 rooms, and dates back to 1663 when it was built as an Inn. Converted to a hotel in 1841, used as a military hospital in the 20th century. The hotel is located close to the exhibition centre (name) and is in an artist’s quarter – Lend. The property has a bar, parking and a 100 sqm conference room.
The development opportunity to create 141 keys over 7 storeys, with a restaurant on the lower ground floor. GIA 4745 sqm. A valid building permit in place for the rebuild… the building has been partially stripped out.

Entire plans and tenders for construction, including details of a drywall company and a steel construction company that would erect the extension of the two attics are available. GG
Flag & Management: Both free…the current owner will sell as is, or provide a turnkey, ready to open option
Current Owner: A general property company with this and one other hotel
Main Photo: The meeting room at the current hotel
Financials: 2019 accounts after submission of an EOI
Tenure: Freehold
Agent: Local agent in partnership with THPT
Date Posted: January 2022
THPT Comment: Great opportunity for a buyer looking for this part of Vienna to secure and develop a four-star hotel with over 140 keys
Hotel & Serviced Apartment owners can be naturally reticent in publicising their property is for sale…for confidentiality reasons, for staff and current client reasons, so the properties featured in this section will either be “generic” or “name specific”
Each week we mail the opportunities posted in that period, but check-out the tab “Hotels Available” and call us for details of “Under the Table” – deals not posted on the site at all.
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